Osmohale® in Ireland
The mannitol challenge test (Osmohale®) is an indirect osmotic bronchial challenge test that can be used to identify bronchial hyperresponsivesness, a key clinical feature of respiratory conditions such as asthma.
Osmohale is manufactured by Arna Pharma Pty Ltd (Frenchs Forest, Sydney Australia) and is available as a standardised test kit containing pre-filled mannitol capsules and a hand held dry powder inhaler.
During a mannitol challenge test, the subject inhales increasing doses of mannitol with their lung function (forced expiratory volume in one second- FEV1) measured after each dose to determine the level of bronchial hyperresponsiveness.
The mannitol challenge test should only be performed by a suitably trained healthcare professional. Please refer to the approved product information or summary of product characteristics for your country prior to performing this challenge test.
Please refer to the Approved Osmohale Product Information(PI) and Consumer Medicine Information attached below.
Osmohale is supplied in Ireland through CHAPPER healthcare
Phone: +353 1 556 9287 or +44 (0) 1923 235 179
Email: orders@chapperhealthcare.com
Website: https://chapperhealthcare.com
To open an account with Chapper healthcare please complete the following forms and email them to orders@chapperhealthcare.com:
Medical Information: